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Building and Protecting Wealth, One Client At A Time



Welcome to JSB Financial, LLC.

We are a full-service financial consulting firm dedicated to building and protecting the wealth of our clients, today, tommorrow and beyond.  This website is a one-stop shop where you'll find a wealth of information in the form of newsletters, timely articles, financial calculators, and e-seminar.  We also host frequent live dinner workshops.

As your personal financial consultant, we can:

  • Help you clarify and define your goals
  • Recommend solutions that fit your personal needs
  • Deliver timely information, in plain speak 
  • Explain how changing financial conditions may affect you
  • Monitor your financial progress
  • Craft creative income solutions
  • Make investment planning easier
  • Develop strategies to help you keep more of your hard-earned money

Your financial dreams, big or small, can be a reality.  Regardless of your current financial phase an agent can help create a plan that is just for you.

Being independent from the very beginning allows us to offer our client custimized solutions, provided with no hassle or pressure.  Our knowledgeable and friendly staff excel in service and will provide you with everything you need.  We never stop working to build and protect your wealth every step of the way.

We will be closed on 11/28, 12/24 & 12/25